Hi, I'm a Frontend Developer.
I learn quick and am always ready for some challenge.

About Me

Hello, gentle users. I'm Grinchcreator. I'm 27 years old.
My main occupation is teaching. Originally, I'm an English teacher at a language school.
Not so long ago I got interested in Frontend. I'm just a junior but I've got enough passion to keep learning.

    What I'm learning:

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Javascript
  • React
  • PHP
  • SQL
  • Angular
  • Node.js and many more...

    What I can do:

  • Build a site
  • Test the site and fix any bugs
  • Develop the navigation
  • Make the site responsive for any device
  • Develop a needed feature
  • Optimize the web page speed
  • Adjust the web page for the market
  • Ensure the page is findable

this is me and this is me this is me as well

My Portfolio


Music Player

This is the first ever pet project. It contains a few different songs. The player is absolutely custom; each slider, each button. Every element works fine and the player has got song timer. The background is a video.


Harry Potter Quiz

This is a game quiz on Harry Potter universe. There are two different versions: one is in English and one is in my native language. It can count scores and store them. There is also a fun preloader animation.


Autism Spectrum

This website is about ASD awareness. Some information and statistics about disorder including a link for a real donation form in support of Autism. Every page it contains is completely responsive on any device.

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