Hello, gentle users. I'm Grinchcreator. I'm 27 years old.
My main occupation is teaching. Originally, I'm an English teacher at a language school.
Not so long ago I got interested in Frontend. I'm just a junior but I've got enough passion to keep learning.
This is the first ever pet project. It contains a few different songs. The player is absolutely custom; each slider, each button. Every element works fine and the player has got song timer. The background is a video.
This is a game quiz on Harry Potter universe. There are two different versions: one is in English and one is in my native language. It can count scores and store them. There is also a fun preloader animation.
This website is about ASD awareness. Some information and statistics about disorder including a link for a real donation form in support of Autism. Every page it contains is completely responsive on any device.